Life's been a real whirlwind for me this past year. This time last year I'd dropped out of university, moved back home and not got a job. I was deadly convinced university wasn't the right option for me. At 19 I still had a lot to learn and taking this past year off studying has been really good for me on the whole!
Currently I've been stuck for blogging motivation as life just gets in the way sometimes. I'm writing this post sat in my new flat (with not so good wifi) having just had dominoes with my new flatmates (who are all absolute babes) and I realised this was the happiest I've been in a long time!
I'm currently just starting the 2nd year of a Fashion Promotion degree which I'm enjoying so far, but it's still early days yet! I've moved in with lovely flatmates and have a really supportive boyfriend too!I'm writing this post to hopefully inspire some of you that despite how hard things may be, it will get better. Here's a few tips I've learnt along the way this year...
Nobody's Life Is PerfectOnce I left university I kept looking at other peoples lives who were still studying and enjoying their course and wishing that could be me. Wishing I was still in their shoes. But nobody's life is perfect. If you keep comparing your life to other peoples lives you'll never be satisfied with your own life and where it's going.
Make a plan of what you're going to do nextSometimes it's really hard to motivate yourself with making a plan of what to do next but as soon as you have a plan you have something to work towards. Once I left University I started looking for jobs straight away, restarted driving lessons, re-applied for university and started saving. I can successfully say I found a job, passed my driving test, got into university and I'm still saving!
Be grateful for what you do have Do you have awesome friends? partner? family? flatmates? when you're not feeling good about your life these are the people you go to. When times get tough you'll need these people to be there for you! Make a list of five things you're grateful for here's mine: Family, Health, Friends, Boyfriend and my (new but really lovely) Flatmates!
Read Positive Quotes, Books, Focus on PositivityOne thing I'm trying to do more of is read motivating books, books about positivity, positive blogs and articles on online sites. These sorts of things can really uplift your mood and help keep you positive through-out the day.
Hang Around Positive PeopleDo you have a toxic friendship which sucks all the happiness out of you? Do you have a relationship with a friend which is getting you down and making you feel worse? If needs be or if this has gone on for a long time it's time to cut out the negative people in your life. Being around positive people all the time will make you feel better and happier!
Have you got any steps on staying positive?Twitter//Instagram//Facebook