I thought I'd carry on after so many of you loved my last post about 5 Reasons You Should Travel! I really enjoyed putting that post together so I thought I'd do another one!
Do you ever feel like you want to do something different but you're too scared to? Do you want to change and enjoy life more? Well here's some tips I've learnt to help me step out of my comfort zone!
1. Learn to let go of your past - This is something I still struggle with but the only way to move forward is to let go of your past. It sometimes feels like the hardest thing to let go and move on. Sometimes the only way to get rid of 'old baggage' is to get your hands on some new luggage! This means join that club you've always wanted to, you may make friends for life by doing so.
2. Life is a challenge - It's easy to get into a routine and never do anything new. One of the best ways to step out of your comfort zone is simple - you need a challenge. It's sometimes so easy to say 'No' to things because it's something you're not used to. Why not say 'Yes' and accept a new challenge and trying something new? Life is full of ups and downs for a reason!
3. Say 'Yes' - Have you ever fully declined doing something because it makes you feel uncomfortable? One thing I'm trying to do more of is to say 'Yes' to the uncomfortable things. Whether its a night out with a certain group of friends, going to see that scary film at the cinema or going on that visit to see a friend at university in a different part of the country! Why not say yes? You might just learn something new about yourself.
4. Is one way the best way? - Have you ever wondered why you do something a certain way? There's other ways of doing things. Sometimes stepping out of your comfort zone only serves as a reminder that you are living a healthy life. Sometimes stepping out of your comfort zone makes you really appreciate what you already have.
5. Take opportunities which come your way - It's so easy to let opportunities slip through your fingers. I'm guilty of this myself as most of you probably are too! I'm trying to make more of each and every opportunity which comes my way. Whether it's travelling to a new country, seeing that friend in a place you've never been to before or just saying yes to an opportunity because you can!So basically what I'm trying to say in the post is make the most of opportunities you have, say 'Yes' to some of the things you'd normally say no to and let go of the past/people which are holding you back!