When I read Kristabel's post on about how blogging has changed her life I started thinking about how blogging has changed mine. I feel like a bit of a blogging 'oldie' because Fashion-Train has been my baby for about 5 years now which seems like a massive amount of time. During that time I did my GCSE's, A-levels, 1 year of a degree and 1 year of working. To me blogging's been a great distraction, a fantastic hobby and a great outlet to express my love for all things fashion!It's definitely changed my life and hopefully made me a better person too. I've met so many amazing people some not so amazing but learnt an awful lot about an industry I never thought I'd ever get a look into as I thought my dream to work in fashion was unachievable.So here I am in New Zealand it's probably about 4am in England right now typing out how blogging's changed my life so here it goes!1. I learnt to never give up With many things in life it's so easy to give up something before it's even really started. Think sports, think swimming, netball or those dreaded clubs your parents made you join! I started blogging pretty much by co-incidence. I'd never read a fashion blog before, didn't know much about the fashion industry, I just wanted to keep a record of all things fashion I loved! About three years ago I started blogging more regularly and the amount of times I wanted to give up and say goodbye to fashion-train has been mad to say the least but you guys keep me going! I always remember I have lovely readers who I'm helping with every post I publish. If it's something you love doing don't give up!
2. ConfidenceIt's weird to think that up until I was about 14 I hated having my photo taken, had very little confidence and I was convinced I was ugly. I know everyone has these issues or similar issues when they are younger but I have blogging to thank that I am happy to wear what I want, experiment with styles and fashions and feel so much happier in my own skin. I know I'm not the skinniest person in blogging land or have model like qualities but I am a typical size 10 girl and hopefully I can relate to a lot more of you better because of that!
3. Meet new friends Without blogging I wouldn't have met blogger babes like Lucy, Chyaz, Laura, Rosie and Em which I can now call friends and love chatting too. I'm so lucky to have made such lovely friends in blogging land and I'm thankful to have friends I can chat about fashion all day with (yay!) I love sharing experiences with blogger pals whether it's heading to London for a great event, staying in hotels or visiting a different country! Another thing to mention about blogging is that it doesn't matter about your age. Em from Em Talks is the only blogger I've met who's the same age as me!
4. Gain an amazing insight into the fashion industryI can't even explain how lucky I feel when an event invite drops into my email inbox. Every time I see one I seem to squeal of excitement! I wish I could make it to more events but living up north means that train tickets cost a lot to head to London. I've experienced things like product launches, press days, photoshoots, days in brand HQ's, Fashion week and endless amazing fashion parties!I'm always amazed to how much goes on behind the scenes in the fashion industry. I remember when I was 16 I actually had to bring my mum (yes my mum!) to a fashion event as the brand wanted a guardian there with me! I didn't know what a fashion event was, I didn't know what fashion pr's did. I'd never been on a train by myself at the time! How things can change in 3 years is crazy!
5. Learning new skillsHTML coding, photoshop, social media and editing photos are just some of the things a blogger will do/use everyday. I still don't know all the ins and outs of photography, how to HTML code a website but I know an awful lot more than I did 4 years ago. I love just messing around of photoshop and trying new things. I love being able to understand things like HTML and how to use my social media accounts to build my 'personal brand'. There was a time twitter wasn't around, neither was pinterest and the word 'vlogger' wasn't a thing and that's all changed in the past 5 years. I love learning more and more about blogging and the variety of things you can do with it. I've learnt to multi-task really well and organise my time better through blogging!I'd like to make this into a 'tag' and encourage other bloggers to write this post about how blogging has changed them! So I tag Megan, Amy, Em, Laura, Chyaz and Rosie!How has blogging changed your life? Twitter//Instagram//Facebook