So you might have over indulged over the festive season. That’s ok! It’s what Christmas is for, afterall. However, many people will want to make 2014 the year that they shape up and get into good habits ready to be the best version of themselves they’ve ever been. Getting fit and in shape is not rocket science. It simply involves eating a healthy balanced diet and avoiding the rubbish, and moving more and getting active. If you do both these things in equal measure, you will be well on your way to the best body you’ve ever had.
Getting the motivation and the inspiration to stick with a new routine and make everything a habit is a big part of the battle in getting into shape. One way that can be quite effective is to have a target item of clothing that you will look fab in by the time you have sorted your lifestyle out. A great one is a bikini that you intend to wear on holiday. Choose one you absolutely love in a size you think you can realistically be if you work hard on your fitness. There are some gorgeous two-pieces in George's range of bikinis ready for next summer and your hot new bod.
There is a saying that says, “Abs are made in the gym but revealed in the kitchen”. This is absolutely true, and you can do as much exercise as you like, but without a healthy clean diet you will not really see the full effect of your hard work. Clean eating is the best way to achieve this, as it is a lifestyle change rather than a fad diet. Simply eat foods that only contain naturally occurring ingredients. This means no e-numbers or artificial flavouring and colouring, amongst other man-made baddies. Veg, fruit, meat, potatoes, brown grains and most raw ingredients you use in cooking are fine and you can have a very varied diet whilst clean eating.
Exercise doesn’t just mean putting the hours in at the gym or pounding the pavement once a day. Look at every aspect of your life and establish if there are areas that you could be a bit more active. Whether it’s a brisk walk every now and then rather than taking the car, or taking the stairs rather than the lift, it really is a case of every little helps. Getting your heart rate up and keeping it there for a time is vital however, so do look at organised exercise or things you can do on your own like fitness dvds or a jog. Don’t forget to work your muscles too. The misconception is that women will bulk if they lift weights, but this is simply not true. Weights are a core part of any exercise regime and will help tone and define your new figure.
Make 2014 the year you finally get the body and the fitness level you deserve. Really commit to changing your ways for the long term rather than as a quick fix and the results will show your hard work.